Growing Capabilities and Confidence

Consider working with us to deliver authentic learning opportunities that empower, inspire and nurture financial literacy and work readiness in young people. Partner with us to help students evolve into entrepreneurial thinkers and stewards of the environment. Volunteer with us to support a network of organizations who place value on sustainable development and global competencies. Together, we're growing futures.
What We Do

Community-connected, experiential learning that transcends social and economic boundaries.

Practical Learning Opportunities

Discovering Youth Potential

youths participating
plants and trees planted

Keep in Touch / Stay Informed

We promise to provide you engaging and useful information, and not inundate you with emails.
Want to Shape the Future?

Volunteer or Support Us

Student Focus

Jennika, Clarke Road

You wouldn’t know it after working beside her, but Jennika was an incredibly shy student when she first came to GHA. Slowly, she took on new challenges and gradually broke out of her shell to the point where she was able to assist in hosting a community event for 80 guests. Whether directing traffic, providing tours of the facility or handling operational responsibilities, she and her classmates completed three seasons of workshops to learn workplace skills incuding inventory management, production management and interpersonal skills. GHA gave her the tools to succeed in entrpreneurialism, financial literacy and collaboration. Your support helps to ensure more students can experience the business basics and hands-on learning environment that the Greenhouse provides.

Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm
Saturday by Appointment Only

Greenhouse Academy is a not-for-profit social enterprise providing hands-on skills development programs that empower participants to nurture a community legacy and equip youth to be future-ready.

Greenhouse Academy